Monday 22 February 2016

Little Yogis

Mama thought that since we were staying Fuengirola for 3 months that I should do some yoga lessons and some swimming lessons.  So this is my mate Monica. She comes twice a week and spends 20 minutes with me and then Mama has her lesson.  I really look forward to Monica coming.  I like to chat to her.  Mama says less chatting, more yogoing.
The first thing she does is ask me to choose a word and to take a deep breath and sing the word.
Monica picks words like sun and moon and sea.  When it's my turn to pick a word, I like to sing fire truck or digger and last week I chose dirt.
Singing my words
Having a snooze
 I do a great relaxation with Monica.  Sometimes Mama thinks I've fallen asleep.  She asks me why I can't do some relaxation at six in the morning.
Me and my cat
Then I do all kinds of animals.  I like the lion best because I get to roar with my tongue out.  I do a cobra and a bee and a butterfly and a cat and a fish and an eagle.  I keep asking for a bear but apparently there isn't one.
The boat
There is also a boat and a bridge.
The bridge
 But this one is my favourite because I made it up ages ago.  It is my own design and I think I might call it the firetruck.
The firetruck

Big as a house
Small as a mouse
 I do a little bit of wriggling but then I say Namaste and daddy takes me to the park.


  1. Haaa my little yogi man, Joe, you are doing sooo well practising yoga, you are a true yogi who loves fire trucks :-) A big hug Joe and I am going to miss you when you get on the road again!


Joe loves to get post (and presents) and post